Run Actor Run
There is a technique that is useful 1 when converting apps to Swift Concurrency.
Fire off work to another actor and wait for it to complete
func someNonisolatedFunc() async {
await {
// do something on the MainActor
It is provided for MainActor, but isn’t available on actors you create yourself.
Not fair!
I dug around and found a way to make this available on custom actors.
This is an extension that will allow a Global Actor to initiate a run command similar to MainActor. I took the signature from the MainActor definition itself.
extension CustomActor {
public static func run<T>(resultType: T.Type = T.self, body: @CustomActor @Sendable () throws -> T) async rethrows -> T where T : Sendable {
try await body()
This allows us to use the run func in the same way MainActor does.
func someFunction() async {
await {
// do something on my custom actor
This shouldn’t be heavily used. Although it can be tempting, there is almost always a better way to get similar behavior. But I’ve seen this solve a number of issues devs have faced in legacy code.
This is frequently a bad idea. But can be appropriate in some cases. ↩